Discovery Centre



The town of Castronovo di Sicila in the central-west of the island was the focus of SicTransit's contemporary archaeological investigations.

The area is rich in archaeology from Sicily's various medieval rulers - discover what we found and how we found it!



An earlier excavation at Mazara del Vallo in 1997 offered additional evidence to our research into Sicily's medieval peoples.

Find out what the Mazara excavations uncovered and see how they helped enhance our SicTransit investigations.

In the field...

In the field...

Archaeology is a term that covers many different approaches to investigating past peoples. SicTransit relied on both excavation and different methods of survey to collect data in a variety of forms.

Explore how we conducted our archaeological investigations and the different kinds of evidence they uncovered.

In the lab...

In the lab...

After archaeological material is collected in the field, it needs to be analysed.

SicTransit employed specialist scientific investigation to help us shed light upon aspects of medieval Sicilian life that would otherwise be impossible to reach.

Food and Farming

Food and Farming

Sicilian food is famous, but is it the product of many different historical influences.

Sicily’s people

Sicily’s people

See how SicTransit's research has helped us understand its past peoples.

Trade and travel

Trade and travel

Sicily was a major centre of trade in the Mediterranean during Medieval times.

Research Hub



Explore the publications that have been generated from the SicTransit project, including articles, books and monographs.

Media Zone

Media gallery

Media gallery

Explore the photos, videos and art generated during the SicTransit project.

Games & activities

Games & activities

Games and activities will be available soon!